
A Day in The Life of a Woman Physiotherapist

Every year, International women’s day is observed on March 8. It highlights the contributions made by women to society in a variety of sectors. It serves as a rallying point for a society that values diversity, equity, and inclusion while eliminating prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination.   Embrace equity has been chosen as the theme for International women’s day this year. It emphasizes the fact that  “Equity isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have.” Understanding the distinction between equity and equality is also crucial. The International Women’s Day 2023 #Embrace Equity …

An Overview of High-Intensity Functional Training (HIFT): Benefits, Limitations and Applications in Sports Performance

A set of attributes that people have or achieve relating to their ability to perform physical activity is called physical fitness. (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). Fitness can be broadly categorized into two categories; health-related fitness (body composition, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, endurance, muscular endurance, and muscle strength) and skill-related fitness (agility, balance, coordination, power, speed, and reaction time). An individual must have the required skill sets, physical prerequisites, mental focus, and motivation to excel in any activity. In many ways, the person who succeeds in their particular sport …