The start of any great thing begins with an unsolved problem or approach that affects hundreds of people every day. A fancy way to describe problem statements, right? But to some people, it’s not just any problem. Before we at Ashva began our journey, our founder Anmol Saxena was recovering from a knee condition. Exposed to the lack of data in physiotherapy, she was appalled by how many people felt dissatisfied during their rehabilitation.


That’s where the first steps in making a difference were taken. Ashva Tech was founded in 2017, to make physiotherapy data-driven. Since then, we have changed the ways physios approach their assessments, and consequently, being one of the few well-known physiotherapy gadget manufacturers in and around Bangalore.


While our presence in the field has been brief, we have generated close to 900 reports for more than 25 clients and their sticking with us and recommending our products isn’t blind faith. Our constant endeavor to invest time and money in R&D to make sure our product is highly accurate and cost-effective is a promise that we’ll never shy away from. Unlike most brands manufacturing outside, we stand apart by manufacturing and assembling all our parts in India!


But like every startup, we need to think beyond just motivation and determination – we need to think of the value we can create for clinics and physiotherapy chains. We designed our product to not only be patient-friendly but also clinician-friendly. Both Fitknees and Fitmust are easy-to-use for patients and save a lot of time in assessment because of our ingenious technology. The documentation of assessment data is instantly translated into reports like “Kneeports,” which are mailed to both the clinician and the patient. This allows physios to swiftly diagnose based on statistical results generated by our machine learning algorithms in real-time.


This swift report generation does two things. First, it increases patient satisfaction because assessments are quicker and more comfortable compared to conventional practices. Second, and most importantly, the data recorded can be used for active feedback. Since patients and clinicians can now see metric-based progress, an accurate timeline for recovery can be set. Feedback and progress will now be quantitative and not subjective.


Another beauty of data-centered assessments is the standardization of diagnosis results. Now that every assessment is quantitatively evaluated, there is no conflict in subjective diagnosis because the parameters are now constant. Clinicians can even cross-check previous analyses to conclude current patients facing similar issues ( i.e., patients having similar or identical assessment reports. This is particularly helpful for chains since metrics are now standardized across all clinics.


Now, here’s where our products help you the most. Most patients come into clinics requiring expert feedback on whether they require surgery. While it’s not ethical for hospitals to always recommend surgery, it’s not surprising for doctors there to recommend surgery more often than not. With our reports, you can show patients through stats whether surgery is necessary (just like 95% of all knee injury cases!) and provide unbiased feedback.

Our high report generation speed also means that you can now conduct more tests in a day than before. Join us in our journey to make physiotherapy data-driven and cost-effective by trying our equipment and benefiting from greater patient satisfaction and quantitative analysis. Your investment in us will help make a difference and we would love to hear if and how our products need anything more than what we serve!


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